Nicki Stager

Graphic Design

2023 / These are some logos I started working on for a friend of mine who hopes to build a wellness company and / or brand. They’re unfinished sketches at this point because the project seems to be moving in a new direction.

2022 / For a couple of years now I’ve spent time at Liberty Gardens a couple of days each week during the summer. No day is ever the same–sometimes we’re planting, sometimes weeding or harvesting or preparing beds… Regardless of what we do, I leave feeling like I’ve put in a truly exhausting day of work and yet I also feel refreshed. They’ve been thinking about a potential identity change, so I’ve worked on some logos for them over the past couple of weeks. Here are some of them.

2022 / These are a few designs I’ve been working on for the Easton Farmers’ Market. I’ve been volunteering there on the weekends for a couple of summers now and I was super excited when they asked me to do design work, too!

2021 / A wall mural I’m working on which is an attempt to express how synesthesia works in my mind using a gardenscape. It’s a work in progress.

2020 / These are some books designs I'm making for my niece and nephew.

I've been making granola bars for years and finally I've decided to give them a professional look.

These are some posters and cards I made with Jim Weiss years ago. They're still some of my favorite things I've worked on not only because the design is interesting to me, but because we had so much fun making them and because they advertised performances that were wonderful.

I've been making patterns that repeat and that I print on fabric or wall paper to use in other projects. Here are a few.

It's hard to imagine now, when designing a website sounds so much less appealing to me, that I've designed a few in the past in much more complicated way than I would need to with templates we can use now. Here are a few of the homepages from the designs. Some became functional and two never went live. Still, they were fun to design.

Logos, logos, logos. What designer hasn't done a lot of these?

Some faces I've been working on that I've been making into little magnets to put on friend's cars.

Perhaps it was around 2012 when I decided to get my massage therapy license? When I was first starting to practice I made some brochures to get some friends in the door.

And while we're on the topic of brochures and general layout, here are some other things I've done under that umbrella. I have dozens of projects that fall under this category, but these were the ones that came to mind first and that I think show some diversity.

I'm a big fan of mail. I'll populate this with mail, but for now I have some Christmas cards.

A font I designed a while back for a title sequence for the movie 1984.